Tag: Monuments

Like the Evangelists, like Saint Luke, the arist is not a free agent obeying only his own will. His situation is rigidly bound by a chain of prior events. The chain is invisible to him, and it limits his motion. He is not aware of it as a chain, but only as vis a tergo, as the force of events behind him. The...

I visited the Dan Graham show at the Whitney today (finally). It was a really great experience. The pavilions especially are as profound as they are socially engaging.

I took some clandestine audio with the iPhone Voice Memo app in the rooms with 2 classic film projectors projecting simultaneously. I've included them...

From CJM Facebook Wall:

Christopher McIntyre is there a musical analogy to Smithson's "non-site" concept?
August 5 at 1:15am


I've been wending my way through a book exploring the work and working method of artist Robert Smithson. Entitled Robert Smithson: Learning from New Jersey and Elsewhere, author Ann Reynolds charts a teleological path...
I visited EAI recently to view several videos from their collection, including various Dan Graham documents, Robert Smithson/Nancy Holt's Mono Lake, Gordon Matta-Clark's...