Met Muesum Event Page
Analog Arts Klang Page
Klang (Die 24 Stunden des Tages)
by Karlheinz Stockhausen (U.S. Premiere)
CJM performs during Glanz (Brilliance), the 10th hour in the Klang cycle.
Glanz personnel:
Bryan Young, bassoon
Alexandrina Boyanova, viola
Vasko Dukovski, clarinet
Joe Drew, trumpet
Chris McIntyre, trombone
Kemp Jernigan, oboe
Jay Rozen, tuba
Karlheinz Stockhausen's fiercely original KLANG (meaning "sound" in German) is an acoustic and electronic work so massive that it requires all day and all three of the Met's iconic buildings to stage. This twenty-one-part, unfinished composition was originally envisioned by Stockhausen as consisting of twenty-four individual compositions (one for each hour of the day), but the work was left unfinished at the time of his death. This performance will mark the U.S. premiere of Klang in its entirety, and will be performed at the Metropolitan Museum's Fifth Avenue building, The Met Breuer, and The Cloisters museum and gardens in Fort Tryon Park. More details will follow."