Either/Or: Talib Rasul Hakim - Early Music // Tenri

Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Tenri Cultural Institute 43A W 13th St, New York, NY 10011

Either/Or (EO) initiates its 2021-22 Season with a special concert at Tenri Cultural Institute in Manhattan. On Tuesday, November 23, the group is proud to present a portrait concert of extremely rare music by African-American composer, educator, and community organizer Talib Rasul Hakim (1940-88) (né Stephen A. Chambers). This event is the opening salvo of an extensive investigation by Either/Or and its Curator Chris McIntyre into the life and music of Mr. Hakim.

Press Release
EO Event Page

Narek Arutyunian - clarinet; Jennifer Choi - violin; Jonathan Finlayson - trumpet; Pala Garcia - violin; Margaret Lancaster - flute; Hannah Levinson - viola; Chris McIntyre - trombone; John Popham - cello; Adam Tendler - piano

Talib Rasul Hakim Prelude (ca. 1966)
trombone & piano
TRH Four (1965)
clarinet, trumpet, trombone, piano
Tania León Alma (2007)
flute, piano
TRH Profiles (1964)
clarinet, trumpet, trombone, cello
TRH Sound-Gone (1967)
solo piano
TRH Currents (1967)
string quartet